Competition Details
In short, Math Koritsia is an in-person team-based math competition for female and nonbinary middle schoolers.
The Math
The math consists of two team-based parts: the problem-solving round, and the game-solving round.
Problem-Solving Round
In the problem-solving round, teams of 2-3 students will work on a set of 15 problems for 1 hour. Note that we do not expect teams to solve all the problems.
Game Round
You may have cracked the code to Tic-Tac-Toe or Dots and Boxes in the past, but the game-solving round will take it to the next level. In this round, teams will play original, mathematically-significant games, and will attempt to develop the winning approach. Then, they'll have the chance to test out their strategies for a special prize.
Timeline (NY)
10:30 AM: Arrival
10:45 AM: Problem-Solving Round
11:45 PM: Lunch
12:30 PM: Game Round
1:15 PM: Tiebreaker Round
1:30 PM: Snacks
1:45 PM: Awards Ceremony
2:00 PM: Leave
Timeline (NJ)
9:00 to 9:30 AM: Arrival and Check-In
9:30 AM: Problem-Solving Round Begins!
10:30 AM: Lunch
11:30 AM: Game Round Begins!
12:15 PM: Tiebreaker Round
12:30 PM: Awards Ceremony
12:45 PM: Departure
Winners of the game round will receive stickers and stationery. Winners of the problem solving round will get a trophy and gift card awards–-prizes will be announced soon.